Fitting a KAFO
The KAFO is meant to support, correct or compensate for the weakness or deformity of your child's knee and ankle. The KAFO is specially designed for your child, and therefore must follow the instructions you are the days when he was mounted. This will only work effectively if they follow instructions carefully.
The KAFO consists of a part thigh, foot and ankle point (AFO), metal, on the side (with or without the knee joint) and the band around his knees. If the knee joints have the nature of the lock, orthotist, you get detailed instructions on how they are used.
If your child has KAFO for each leg, make sure you correct them on their feet. The ties should be on the outside of each leg.
Your child should wear long, thin, smooth cotton socks or tights under KAFO. This will reduce any rubbing.
KAFO When you on your child, bend and KAFO and your child the knee to 90 degrees. Fifth place was completely down and back in the fifth of the AFO, and then place your child thigh back in the thigh.
Verankerd on the ankle tape first calf than tape, and then finally the thigh tape. If band around his knees, make this the last straight with the knee in the position as far as possible. Make sure that all tapes have been confirmed safe.
Wearing a KAFO
To begin with your child may only wearing a KAFO for half hours at the same time, unless your physiotherapist or otherwise orthotist said. Should increase at this time to another or third day, if your child is used for the transport of the KAFO.
Your child should always wear shoes / trainers with KAFO. Trainers are ideal, such as broader and deeper than normal shoes. May You need to remove the insole to give you extra space.
Removing KAFO
When your child KAFO, always check whether his or her skin.
Sometimes KAFO's cause slight red line on the edge of the brace, but it should disappear within half hour or so.
If your child has pain, skin blisters or brands that do not disappear within half hour, you can stop using the KAFO and tell your orthotist.
Are you looking after KAFO
You must clean the surface of KAFO with wet cloth and soapy water. Let dry ga, of course, before your child ga.
The mechanical knee should be regularly monitored to ensure that there is no building of substance, because this may affect the function. This knee should be monitored by the orthotist every 6 months.
The tape and padding May be worn, but they can be replaced. If you think your child is outgrowing KAFO, please contact your orthotist. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to replace a KAFO, so please call in time enough.